Native Funcdown Mode :: Funcdown :: Funcdown Manual :: Funcdown Syntax :: Native Funcdown Mode
This is Funcdown natural mode. Write HTML but in function alike fashion.
Basic Examples
You type .. | .. browser gets |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
!{HTML comment}
<!-- HTML comment -->
M(charset utf-8)|
<meta charset="utf-8">
hr| br|
<hr> <br>
~{ This is not a love song! }
This is not a love song! |
p { This is not a love song! }
<p> This is not a love song! </p>
p [ ~{This is not a love song!} ]
This is not a love song!
ul (# mySpecialList) [
li (. myClassOne) [
p {
Attributes are wrapped within
b//() ^+ braces or `parenthesis`.
li (! Title on Hover) [
p {:>>>
HTML Text is wrapped within
b//{} ^+ braces or `curlies`.
By placing :>>> right after the beginning of {
and inverse <<<: right before the closing },
You get the super string so that You don't
need to escape closing curly brace.
Just like in this example.
li (C font-size: smaller) [
p {
HTML Text must follow preceeding
word *(tag) or C//~+ character.
<ul id="mySpecialList">
<li class="myClassOne">
Attributes are wrapped within
<b>()</b> braces or `parenthesis`.
<li title="Title on Hover">
HTML Text is wrapped within
<b>{}</b> braces or `curlies`.
By placing :>>> right after the beginning of {
and inverse <<<: right before the closing },
You get the super string so that You don't
need to escape closing curly brace.
Just like in this example.
<li style="font-size: smaller">
HTML Text must follow preceeding
word *(tag) or <code>~</code> character.