Empty Block

Meta Mode

hngts.com :: Funcdown :: Funcdown Manual :: Funcdown Syntax :: Native Funcdown Mode :: Meta Mode

  • Microdown -> tag (class className) { CHAR//TextNode+ }

  • Quick and dirty way to transform or isolate *(words with a lot of punctuation (dangerous) characters) without leaving curly brace {} wrappers. Its general purpose is very similar to the one that BB-CODE has. And as it is, just like the main Funcdown syntax it self, You don't need to repeat closing tag name. However, in Microdown mode, instead of the right curly brace }, a single + is used instead, for any tag statement termination.

Microdown Syntax Insight

Association String Mode Result
a for <a> a//textnode+ textnode
b for <b> b//textnode+ textnode
i for <i> i//textnode+ textnode
p for <p> p//textnode+


s for <s> s//textnode+ textnode
u for <u> u//textnode+ textnode
q for <q> q//textnode+ textnode
A for <abbr> A//textnode+ textnode
B for <bdi> B//textnode+ textnode
C for <code> C//textnode+ textnode
D for <data> D//@V sample| textnode+ textnode
K for <kbd> K//textnode+ textnode
L for <label> L//@for sample| textnode+
M for <mark> M//textnode+ textnode
N for <dfn> N//textnode+ textnode
O for <bdo> O//@dir rtl| textnode+ textnode
S for <span> S//textnode+ textnode
T for <time> T//15:42:41+
V for <var> V//textnode+ textnode
I for <input> I//@# sample,T text,N sample,V textnode| +
J for <script> J//((s) => {return s\})("J")+ [source]
_ for <hr> _//@. someClass| +
W for <wbr> W//+ [opportunity]
- for <br> -//+ [LBR]
! for <!-- COMMENT --> !//Comment+ [source]

Empty Block
Empty Block
Empty Block
Empty Block